Benvinguts al bloc de David Caler

Sunshine Mix

La llista FUNKY TOWN - Sent el ritme!

divendres, 22 de gener del 2010

Bill Withers - I hope she'll be happier

Maybe the lateness of the hour
Makes me seem bluer than I am
But in my heart there is a shower,
I hope she’ll be happier with him.

Maybe the darkness of the hour
Makes me seem lonelier than I am,
But over the darkness I have no power,
Hope she’ll be happier with him.

I can’t believe that she don’t want to see me,
We lived and loved with each other so long.
I never thought that she really would leave me,
But she’s gone.

Maybe the lateness of the hour
Makes me seem bluer than I am,
But in my heart there is a shower,
Hope she’ll be happier with him.

3 comentaris:

  1. ostras tu quina cançó, aquí Bill se surt... vaig veure el docu de la seva vida l'any passat i em va encantar, i al docu Soul Power estava genial, tot un senyor!

  2. Et creuràs que aquest matí he sentit aquesta canço 3 vegades??? (¡¡¡!!!)

    Merci pel seguiment :-)

  3. bueno jo he posat el video teu 4 cops seguits... és que té molt de sentiment la cançó, i la lletra buff és molt... no sé com dir-ho...
    que bé que la has posat perque llavors he entès millor la cançó...


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